Yeast Powder 酵母粉

Yeast Powder 酵母粉

Yeast Powder 酵母粉

市場銷售飼料酵母有數種規格。台灣輕工部行業標準中規定的飼料酵母( yeast for feeds )專指以澱粉、糖蜜以及味素、酒精等高濃度有機廢液等碳水化合物為主要原料,經液態通風培養酵母菌,並從其發酵醪中分離酵母菌體(不添加其他物質)經乾燥後製得的產品,屬單細胞蛋白質飼料之一。並指明主要酵母菌有產朊假絲酵母菌( Candidautilis )、熱帶假絲酵母菌( Candida tropicalis )、圓擬酵母菌( Torula utilis )、球擬酵母菌( Torulopsis utilis )、釀酒酵母菌( Saccharomyces cerevisiae )。

酵母是真核單細胞微生物,屬於真菌界。 第一種酵母起源於數億年前,目前至少有 1,500 種酵母被確認。 據估計,它們佔所有描述的真菌物種的 1%。

酵母是從多細胞祖先進化而來的單細胞生物,一些物種具有通過形成被稱為假菌絲或假菌絲的相連的出芽細胞串來發展多細胞特徵的能力。 酵母的大小因物種和環境而異,通常直徑為 3–4 µm,但有些酵母的大小可以長到 40 µm。 大多數酵母通過有絲分裂進行無性繁殖,許多酵母通過稱為出芽的不對稱分裂過程進行繁殖。 憑藉其單細胞生長習性,酵母可以與生長菌絲的黴菌形成對比。 可以採用兩種形式(取決於溫度或其他條件)的真菌物種稱為二態真菌。

酵母物種釀酒酵母通過發酵過程將碳水化合物轉化為二氧化碳和酒精。 幾千年來,這種反應的產物一直用於烘焙和酒精飲料的生產。 釀酒酵母也是現代細胞生物學研究中重要的模式生物,是研究最透徹的真核微生物之一。 研究人員對其進行培養,以便更詳細地了解真核細胞的生物學特性,並最終了解人類生物學特性。 其他種類的酵母菌,如白色念珠菌,是機會性病原體,可引起人類感染。 酵母最近被用於在微生物燃料電池中發電,並為生物燃料工業生產乙醇。

酵母不形成單一的分類學或系統發育分組。 術語“酵母”通常被視為釀酒酵母的同義詞,但酵母的系統發育多樣性通過它們在兩個獨立的門中的位置顯示:子囊菌和擔子菌。 出芽酵母或“真正的酵母”被分類為酵母菌目,在子囊菌門內。

Yeast powder is a common ingredient in animal feed, especially for monogastric animals such as poultry, pigs, ruminants, pets and aquaculture. B vitamins and nucleotides These nutrients play an important role in the growth, health and productivity of animals.

Yeast powder improves feed intake and digestion and adds palatability, making it more attractive to animals. This increases feed intake, which improves animal growth and productivity. Yeast powder also improves feed digestibility, which means animals can extract more nutrients from the feed. This reduces the amount of feed needed to meet the animal's nutritional needs and can save farmers money.

  The essential amino acids in yeast powder promote the growth and development of muscle tissue, resulting in higher quality meat. Yeast powder can also increase milk and egg production in dairy cows and poultry.

Yeast powder is a rich source of essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. These amino acids are essential for the growth and development of animals, and are especially important for young animals that are still growing.

Yeast powder also contains high levels of B vitamins, which are essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and the maintenance of the nervous and immune systems.

Yeast powder contains beta-glucan, a complex carbohydrate that has been shown to boost the immune system in animals. Beta-glucan stimulates the production of white blood cells, the cells that fight infection and disease. Yeast powder also contains nucleotides, which have been shown to boost the immune response in animals.

Another important component of yeast powder is nucleotides. They have been shown to enhance the growth and development of intestinal cells in animals. In addition to these essential nutrients, yeast powder also contains other beneficial compounds such as minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants.

Yeast powder has been shown to reduce the risk of digestive disorders in animals. This reduces the risk of intestinal infection and improves the overall health of the animal. Nucleotides in yeast powder have been shown to improve the development of intestinal cells and strengthen the integrity of the intestinal lining.